The Trust did not name of any of the organisations it had been approached by, but the Newspaper Publishers Association (NPA) publicly accused the BBC of barging into the app market and trampling over commercial news firms which were exploring this growth area, after the corporation announced it app ambitions at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona during February 2010.
“I look at it from the consumer’s point of view – when using a small form factor, like a mobile phone screen, a browser is not the best way to display information – whereas apps work much better and have created a new user paradigm. The BBC has always over the last 10 years repurposed the same content to suit different devices in the best way. This is no different.”
Huggers added that the apps would be ready to launch on the iPhone “almost immediately” should the Trust come back with a positive result.
A BBC Trust spokesman said that the assessment was being pushed through speedily and a result would be delivered within ‘weeks’ rather than months. The Trust has already spoken to the BBC Executive on this matter and is continuing its examination.
The BBC Trust is examining the plans in four areas: “the extent to which the change is likely to affect users and others; the financial implications of the change; the extent to which the change would involve the BBC in a new area of untested activity; and how long the activity will last,” according to its statement released in March.
The BBC has said on occasions prior to this that it was satisfied it was allowed to reuse online content for phones.
A spokeswoman has previously said: ''We believe the BBC Online service licence is quite explicit in allowing the BBC to repurpose its online content for consumption on mobile devices, something the BBC has successfully executed for a decade for the benefit of the licence fee-payer.''
David Newell, director of the NPA, said at the time of the announcement of the Trust’s assessment: "It is vital that these proposals are scrutinised properly to avoid any adverse impact on commercial media organisations.
"We are pleased that the BBC Trust has listened to the industry's concerns and acted to delay the planned April launch.
"We hope this will enable a thorough assessment to be undertaken."